5 tips for coping with anxiety
We are in strange times. As I write this, much of the world is in Lockdown due to Covid 19 and we are finding our way around the new normal and often coping with increased anxiety.
Fitness for the woman over 40
There’s no getting away from it. Big changes happen to your body in your middle years and you start to notice that things are not as they used to be. It takes you longer to recover from that Zumba class. Or your race time is not quite what it was.
Why you shouldn’t have BIG goals
We all know that we are never going to achieve anything in life unless we have goals, right? How can we tell if we are successful unless we have attained the thing we were striving for? The job, house, the relationship, the family…
Dump the vision board
Have you ever whiled away a couple of hours creating a vision board? Chopping up old magazines and probably wasting quite a bit of that time trying to find just the right image to perfectly encapsulate your thoughts.
What are your real fears
My son has recently developed a love of swimming. This makes me especially happy because, putting aside the not inconsiderable amount of money we have spent on his lessons over the years, I do not love swimming